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Natural Ways to Improve Gynecological Health

Natural Ways to Improve Gynecological Health

Gynecological infections chronic natural remedy
BM240 is best used for chronic gynecological infections, menstrual disorders, inflammation of the cervix, and viral infections of the skin or mucous membranes.


Gynecology is the area of medicine responsible for treating women's disorders, particularly those of the reproductive organs. Having good gynecological health is vital for women's health and well-being.

Gynecological infections include several conditions that impact the genital tract and vagina. They can arise in the vulva, vagina, cervix, uterus, adnexa, or ovaries. These infections are caused by pathogens, such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, or parasites that trigger disorders. 

If you are a woman, you’ve probably had a gynecological infection or inflammation at some point. These are pretty common but can be a bit complicated.

This blog contains info about some of the most common gynecological issues, their causes, and their symptoms. Plus, you’ll get access to powerful tips on treating these issues naturally, so you know what to do if they arise.

Woman holding a SOS sign and touching her belly

Common Gynecological Issues

Some common types of gynecological infections and inflammations are:

  • Vulvitis. The inflammation of the vulva, the outer part of the female genitalia.
  • Cervicitis. The inflammation of the cervix (the lower part of the uterus that creates a canal from the uterus into the vagina).
  • Vaginitis. There are different types of vaginitis:
    • Bacterial vaginosis. This is the most common type of vaginitis. It may be triggered by the disruption of the normal bacteria in the vagina. Bacterial vaginosis is frequently associated with sexual activity.
    • Yeast infections. Yeast infections, also named vaginal candidiasis, occur when fungal organisms arise in the vagina. These affect many women throughout their lives. Three out of four women have yeast infections at least once. This type of infection is easily treatable.
    • Trichomoniasis. A parasite causes this issue. It is transmitted during sexual intercourse with an infected person.
    • Noninfectious vaginitis. This type of vaginitis occurs when there is vaginal irritation but no infection. It may raise the odds of developing vaginal infections and urinary tract infections.
    • Atrophic vaginitis is noninfectious vaginitis that occurs when your body doesn’t produce enough estrogen. It can emerge from menopause, surgical removal of the ovaries, radiation therapy, or even after childbirth, especially in breastfeeding women.

To better understand these issues, look at their causes and symptoms.

Women of different ages and ethnicities hugging

Causes of Gynecological Issues

Anyone with a vagina can develop gynecological issues. These issues are most frequent between puberty and menopause.

Menopause symptoms natural remedy

BM98 supports your body through menopause or pre-menopause. Helpful for hot flushes, loss of vaginal lubrication, mood changes, night sweats, urine leakage, urinary tract problems, changes in menstrual cycles, increased pre-menstrual syndrome, mood changes, fluctuation in sexual desire, forget-fullness, fatigue, insomnia, decreasing fertility, and skin changes.


However, certain factors and lifestyle alternatives can contribute to the development of gynecological inflammation and infections, including:

  • Using colored or scented toilet paper.
  • Using scented tampons, soaps, and detergents.
  • Having skin disorders like dermatitis or eczema.
  • Being pregnant.
  • Having unmanaged diabetes.
  • Using vaginal sprays, deodorants, or douches.
  • Having sexual contact, including hand-to-genital, oral, anal, and penetrative vaginal sex, especially if not using a condom.
  • Taking medications such as antibiotics or steroids.
  • Taking birth control pills.
  • Having your ovaries surgically removed.
  • Menopause.
  • Using an intrauterine device for birth control.
  • Health conditions that undermine the immune system, such as HIV or AIDS.
Woman suffering from a gynecological infection
  • Wearing tight clothes.
  • Staying too long in a wet bathing suit or sweaty clothes.
  • High levels of stress.
  • Using latex condoms, spermicides, fragrances, and lubricants.
Stress relief and anxiety control natural remedy
Stress Relief & Anxiety Control may provide support and relief for anxiety, nervousness, stress, tension, panic attacks, restlessness, and irritability.


    As you may notice, many of these risk factors are products that might cause irritations or allergies. These products affect the natural PH of your vagina and can contribute to the emergence of gynecological inflammation and infections.

    Be careful when choosing intimate hygiene and care products. Always opt for unscented and gentle options, if possible.

    Symptoms of Gynecological Issues

    Check out the main symptoms of gynecological problems according to the type of issue.

    Common symptoms of cervicitis include:

    • Painful intercourse.
    • Grayish or pale-yellow vaginal discharge.
    • Painful, difficult, or frequent urination.
    • Unusual vaginal bleeding.
    • Pain in the abdominal or pelvic area.
    Frequent urination remedy

    BM164 may help your body deal with polyuria (frequent urination), urinary tract infections, bladder conditions, interstitial cystitis, prostate (enlarged prostate), chronic renal failure, and hypercalcemia. 


    Common symptoms of vulvitis include:

    • Intense itching.
    • Vaginal discharge.
    • Painful, difficult, or frequent urination.
    • Vulva and labia reddened or swollen.
    • Thick, scaly white spots on the vulva.
    Private parts itching

    BM191 is best used for genital itching in males and females, with or without vaginal discharge in women. 


    Common symptoms of vaginitis include:

    • Atypical or increased vaginal discharge.
    • Change in the color of vaginal discharge.
    • Vaginal irritation, itching, and burning.
    • Vaginal soreness and discomfort.
    • Painful intercourse.
    • Painful urination.
    • Vaginal bleeding or spotting.
    • Vagina and vulva with inflamed, flushed, or swollen skin.
    Half of a melon representing a vulva

    If you ever find yourself unsure about the type of vaginitis you have, you can find out based on the most frequent symptoms and the characteristics of your vaginal discharge:

    • Bacterial vaginosis. You will likely have a grayish-white, yellow, or greenish discharge with an unpleasant odor. This odor intensifies after penetrative vaginal sex. You may also feel extreme itching.
    • Yeast Infections. Vaginal discharge is usually white and thick. Commonly, these infections lead to vaginal and vulva itching, soreness, irritation, and burning. It can involve swelling in the labia or vulva.
    • Symptoms include a greenish and frothy discharge with an unpleasant odor. Trichomoniasis might cause swelling, itching, irritation, and inflammation in your vulva and vagina. Painful intercourse, urination, and lower abdominal pain are additional symptoms.
    • Noninfectious vaginitis. This type of vaginitis leads to symptoms similar to those of other infections, like vaginal itching, burning, dryness, or variations in discharge.
    Vaginal discharge natural remedy

    BM6 may help manage Leucorrhoea, including burning, creamy, and transparent vaginal discharge, a congested heavy feeling, nausea, downward pressure, and pain in the back, womb, and thighs. 


    How can you naturally treat gynecological problems?

    The following home remedies are excellent options to alleviate most gynecological inflammation and infections. Make sure to give them a try.

    However, it would be best if you avoided these remedies in the following circumstances:

    Healthy pregnancy and easy labor remedy

    BIO26 is best used to promote a mother's general health and support the development of her unborn child. If taken throughout pregnancy, it may help with labor pain. 


    The alternatives below are perfect if you are not in any of these situations. It is crucial that you use these remedies correctly according to our recommendations.

    1. Yogurt

    Probiotics may be incredibly helpful when dealing with gynecological issues. They are “good” bacteria that support your health.

    A great source of probiotics is yogurt. Yogurt contains live bacteria, such as lactobacillus acidophilus, that can promote a healthy and balanced environment in your vagina.

    However, if you plan to use yogurt to treat your issue, ensure that it is plain Greek yogurt. It must have no added sugars, fruit, or flavoring at all. This is important because otherwise, yogurt can worsen the problem.

    To get the most benefits, you might want to do the following:

    • Add Greek yogurt to your diet.
    • Apply Greek yogurt over your vulva.
    • Insert the yogurt into your vagina using clean fingers or a clean tampon applicator.
    Cup of greek yogurt

    2. Probiotic suppositories and supplements

    If you are not the biggest fan of yogurt, you can also try other probiotic foods, a probiotic suppository, or a supplement.

    As understood, probiotics offer a range of benefits to your overall and gynecological health. They balance your vagina flora and improve your vagina’s health.

    You can ingest them in the form of oral supplements or suppositories. Remember that probiotic suppositories will produce quicker results, especially when addressing vaginal infections.

    3. Boric acid

    Another excellent home remedy is boric acid. Boric acid is an antiseptic that may help you with vaginal infections. It is a cost-friendly option that has been shown to be effective. You can use boric acid vaginal suppositories if you want to try them.

    Keep in mind that boric acid in large amounts is bad for your body. It can be moderately toxic and cause several problems, like kidney disorders or gastrointestinal issues.

    If you are pregnant or have sensitive skin, you should not use boric acid. Also, avoid using it on damaged skin and do not ingest it orally. If sensing any discomfort or irritation while using boric acid suppositories, discontinue their use.

    Kidney support natural remedy

    BM128 provides effective natural support for kidney function. Useful for poor kidney function, including back, side, and groin pain, urgent, frequent urination, pain or burning during urination, fever, nausea, vomiting, and pus or blood in the urine. 


    4. Essential oil of oregano

    Essential oil of oregano is also highly beneficial to your gynecological health. It can help treat vaginal infections and protect you against future ones.

    Ensure you use wild oregano oil, not the common oregano found in grocery stores.

    Are you planning on using it? Here is how to:

    • Mix three to five drops of essential wild oregano oil for each ounce of carrier oil, such as coconut oil or sweet almond oil.
    • Either massage this mixture in your skin or inhale it using a diffuser.


    • Do not massage this mixture into the skin around the vagina due to its sensitivity.
    • Essential oils are for external use only, so do not ingest them.
    Instant Calm Formula

    Instant Calm Formula provides effective natural support for anxiety, frustration, sleeplessness, and stress. It may promote calm, comfort, and focus.  


    5. Coconut oil

    Coconut oil has many proven benefits, including antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it a great ally when treating gynecological infections and inflammation.

    You can either consume it on your diet or massage it in the skin around your vagina. The coconut oil employed must be pure and organic.

    Coconut oil

    6. Tea tree oil

    Another oil of incredible help when treating gynecological issues is tea tree oil. According to research, this oil can help eliminate fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Thus, it is an excellent home remedy for vaginal infections.

    As another essential oil, you should use it in the same way as wild oregano oil. This means:

    • Mix some drops of essential tea tree oil with carrier oil, like olive oil or jojoba oil.
    • Massage it in your skin or inhale it with the help of a diffuser.

    There are also prepared tea tree vaginal suppositories available in the market that you can choose to use.

    Once again, remember that essential oils should only be used externally. Never massage them directly into your skin without diluting them with another carrier oil.

    Stop using it if feeling discomfort or irritation.

    Apple cider vinegar

    7. Apple cider vinegar

    You can take an apple cider vinegar bath to treat gynecological issues. You will only need to prepare a lukewarm bath and add a half cup of apple cider vinegar. Then, stay in it for 20 minutes to feel the benefits. You can also consume more apple cider vinegar in your diet.

    Apple cider vinegar is beneficial for your gynecological health as it helps you to get rid of harmful microorganisms.

    Do not confuse this tip with douching! Douching removes all good and bad bacteria from your vagina. When searching for home treatments, you may find some sources indicating douching as a good option. However, this practice can worsen your problem and increase your risk of developing future vaginal issues. Thus, avoid douching with any substance.

    8. Garlic

    Garlic is a superfood with numerous benefits for your health. At the gynecological level, research shows that it can help eliminate Candida fungus, which is responsible for yeast infections. Thus, garlic can help treat these infections.

    To enjoy its advantages, consume it more often. Do not insert it into your vagina, as some sources may recommend, since it can cause burns and pain.


    9. Hydrogen peroxide

    Hydrogen peroxide can eliminate bacteria, which may help treat genital problems.

    You can use it in two different ways:

    1. Mixing it into a bath.
    2. Combining it with water and applying the mixture to your skin. In this case, you can use similar water and hydrogen peroxide quantities.

    Never use this substance internally, and avoid using it for long periods.

    10. Vitamin C

    Vitamin C plays an essential role in your immune system and skin health. It also has antimicrobial properties, which are super valuable when treating vaginal infections and inflammation.

    To improve your capacity to treat gynecological issues, raise your ingestion of vitamin C-rich foods. Never apply vitamin C to the sensitive skin in your genital area.

    Urethra inflammation natural remedy
    BM112 provides effective natural support for the normal function of the urethra. It may help with inflammation of the urethra.


    11. Vitamin E

    Vitamin E is another vitamin recommended to treat vaginal issues. It may help decrease inflammation and treat atrophic vaginitis. It is perfect if you want something to reduce vaginal itching and burning.

    You can use vaginal vitamin E suppositories or massage vitamin E oil to your vulva and vagina. You may also eat more foods rich in vitamin E.

    Woman at a gynecology appointment

    When should you consult a medical professional?

    You most likely do not need to see a medical professional anytime you have a gynecological problem. This especially applies if you are sure of the issue you are experiencing and have already had it before.

    Gynecological issues will probably go away with home remedies. However, you should consult a doctor if:

    • You have underlying health conditions (like diabetes) or an undermined immune system.
    Toxins and immunity improvement natural remedy
    BM5 provides natural support for a weak immune system. Useful for issues related to viruses, bacteria, and allergies. It may help with eliminating blood, food, and medicinal poisoning.


    • After using home remedies, your symptoms did not revolve.
    • You are not sure about the issue you are facing.
    • You are pregnant.
    • This is your first gynecological issue.
    • Your issue seems severe, and you have fissures or sores.
    • You have recurrent infections (4 or more infections per year)
    • You have been exposed to a sexually transmitted disease.
    • You have additional symptoms, such as fever and tremors.
    First aid and fever remedy

    Ferr Phos is recommended for poor appetite, fatigue, vomiting, congestion, pain, temperature, and headaches.  


    How can you prevent gynecological problems?

    It is impossible to prevent all gynecological issues. Still, by following our tips, you can lower your risk of developing them:

    • Avoid douching, vaginal deodorants, and fragrances.
    • Avoid scented feminine hygiene products, such as tampons, soap, and pads.
    • Wash sex toys every time you use them according to their directions.
    • Wear cotton underwear since it increases airflow and prevents vaginal irritation and inflammation.
    • Change your underwear at least once a day and always after exercising.
    • Choose workout bottoms with cotton crotch.
    • Use condoms during sex. They protect your natural vaginal PH, therefore, preventing vaginal issues. Additionally, avoid flavored, pre-lubricated or spermicidal condoms for vaginal sex.
    • Take out sweaty clothes or wet swimsuits as soon as possible.
    Group of happy women

    The Bottom Line

    Gynecological issues can be complicated and severe. However, many can be treated naturally at home with our tips. These natural treatments will help you to improve your gynecological health and, therefore, feel more comfortable and confident.

    If you are a woman, we hope we have inspired you to prioritize your health. Be sure not only to apply these natural tips but also to consult a gynecologist for check-ups regularly.

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