Injuries are relatively common and we all know how to apply a Band-Aid. With more serious cuts and grazes, the use of homeopathy can make a real difference to the level of pain, inflammation and healing.
Cuts and bruises are a common occurrence in any household. In most cases, they’re ignored and left to heal on their own. Some injuries can take a while to heal. Or they seem to heal but the slightest bump or abrasion and the wound reopens.
Homeopathic Remedy for Healing Wounds
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Homeopathy is a form of treatment that has no real side effects and is very effective at speeding up the healing process for bruises and other wounds. Many people have benefited from homeopathic care after surgical procedures.
A lot of people are under the impression that homeopathy is a kind of psychological healing approach due to later homeopathic trends. Not many people realise that homeopathy is just as effective in treating acute conditions or emergency acutes such as post surgery complaints.
We have wonderful remedies to cover most acute complications and it works very nicely alongside conventional medicines.
There are a variety of injuries and wounds that can be treated using natural substances. Below are a few types that can be addressed with with homeopathic remedies.
A contusion can be a minor soft tissue injury without a break in the skin or sometimes it can be a major problem like being run over by a vehicle. Contusions produce discoloration of the skin due to collection of blood underneath.
In this type of wound the epidermis of the skin is scraped away exposing the dermis. They are painful as dermal nerve endings are exposed.
Incised wounds
They are caused by sharp objects like a blade, knife, glass etc. This type of wound has a sharp edge and is less contaminated.
Lacerated wound
They are caused by blunt objects like falling on the stone or due to road traffic accidents. Edges are jagged. The injury may involve only skin and subcutaneous tissue and sometimes deeper structures also.
Penetrating wound
They are not uncommon nowadays. It may look like an innocent injury with a small, one or two cm. long cut but internal organs like intestines, liver, spleen or mesenteric blood vessels might have been damaged.
This refers to collection of blood. It follows injury or spontaneously as in patients who have bleeding tendencies such as hemophilia. Depending upon the site, it can be subcutaneous, intramuscular or even subperiosteal.
Arnica Montana is best used for shoulder, neck, and back pain. Provide support for bruising and muscle soreness from overexertion or injury. It may help with strains, sprains, and swelling.
Wound care with homeopathy
Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using a holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the signs and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat wounds but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several well-proved medicines are available for wound treatment that can be selected on the basis of cause, sensation and modalities of the complaints. For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. Some important remedies are given below for wound treatment:
- Arnica: Arnica is very effective homeopathic medicine when it comes to dealing with deep-seated bruises. It can also be used to reduce swelling at the site of the injury. Arnica can be used in pill form or applied in the form of a cream. However, arnica should never be used on an open wound where the skin is cut. In the pill form, arnica can also be used to stop internal or external bleeding.
- Calendula: Best homeopathic medicine for wound healing quickly. Along with bruises, it can also be used to treat ruptured muscles and tendons. When applied topically, it draws out dirt and prevents infections.
- Hypericum: This homeopathic remedy is very useful in treating injuries and wounds that cause nerve damage. It also ensures that a bruise heals from the inside and not only superficially.
- Ledum: Homeopathic remedy for slow healing wounds that are caused by a sharp object or formed as a result of painful injections or the after-effects of an epidural can be treated with Ledum. It promotes the removal of pus and prevents septic infections.
- Staphysagria: Staphysagria is used to treat sensitive wounds where the tissue is lacerated. In such cases, the sphincters are also found to be lacerated and stretched due to foreign bodies. Staphysagria can also be used to treat extremely painful wounds.
- Phytolacca: This is an excellent homeopathic medicine remedy for healing wounds that have a tendency to ulcerate or injuries that cause soreness and can trigger tetanus. Injured fibrous tissue or osseous muscle sheaths can also be treated with phytolacca.
- Bufo: Homeopathic remedy for slow-healing wounds that cause the area to feel numb and which trigger muscle spasms that leave the patient unable to move the part can be treated with this homeopathic remedy. It can also be used to treat regional hematomas triggered by the rupturing of blood vessels due to the trauma.

Here are some of the most usual remedies prescribed after surgical procedures but the list goes on...
Aconite 200 : take it for a couple of days before or the day before the operation and as per needed. It can be taken if fear persists after the operation.
Arsenicum Album 30c: for those that are feeling very restless and need to be pacing up and down before the day.
Arnica is wonderful in these cases to avoid post-surgical complications like thrombosis or infarction. In this case, give a single dose of Arnica 200 or 1M before the operation.
After any other operation, if there is not much bleeding, a few doses of Arnica 30 or 200 will help with the trauma and avoid infection.
For pain relief, of course the remedies repetition can be as often as needed at the rhythm of the pain. This would be different from wound healing where we would be expecting a much longer process and accordingly, the remedies would need to be prescribed less often and over a longer period.
However, for pain or discomfort, if after 6 repeated doses absolutely nothing happens, then a new remedy must be found.
Hypericum 200c: this is an important remedy for nerve injury and most likely needed with incisive wounds of parts reaching in nerves. An important remedy to consider in limb amputations as well and in spinal operations. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT PAIN REMEDY AFTER SURGERY.Magnesium Phosphoricum 200c: the great antispasmodic remedy, for neuralgic pains and colic therefore a good remedy after abdominal surgery where there is colic with flatulence.
Colocynthis 200c: can be useful as well and the patient can feel very angry with his condition. Colocynthis follows Staphysagria very nicely in abdominal operations.
Staphysagria 200c: in abdominal operations, Staphysagria is preferred after the operation which suits the clear cut incisions.
It is nicely complemented by Bellis Perennis 200, which acts as in deeper tissue, better than Arnica after major abdominal surgical work.
Ruta 200c: any operation involving cartilage or periosteum is likely to need this remedy at some stage. This is a great remedy to consider for knee or hip replacement and in any orthopaedic surgery.
Symphytum 200c: is indicated for wounds penetrating the bone, so it is also a good pain remedy for any orthopedic surgery and can be combined with Hypericum 200 for pain.
Belladonna3c/30c: this remedy is particularly useful if there is pain from inflammation with fever after the operation.
This remedy is also useful for colic of gallbladder or kidney that develops suddenly. A 30 c or 200c every few hours will help to bring down the inflammation.
Phosphorus 30: this is the first remedy for postoperative vomiting to think of.
Carbo veg 30: may be better suited if the patient is cold and sweaty and wants more air, he feels as if there is not enough air around (may want to be fanned).
A few doses of 30c every hour or so until the patient feels better and thereafter when needed will be sufficient.
Nux-vomica 30c: it needs to be considered as well if there is much retching but does not lead to vomiting.
Nux vomica aids detoxification of the liver and it would help process and clear the toxic load from the medical drugs.
Ipecac 30c: feeling of continuous nausea that is not better by vomiting.
Pyrogen 200: this acts like a general antibiotic in cases where fever continues for a long period after the surgery, maybe even weeks and the infection does not even respond to antibiotics.Apart from the fever, the pulse is very fast, out of proportion to the temperature.
Pyrogen may need to be repeated every 3 hours if there is infection on top of any other remedies.
Arnica and Pyrogen are two of the most important ones to consider at this point.
Calendula 6c,30c: it is a great remedy for healing internal or external wounds after surgery and works very nicely after Staphysagria and Bellis-perennis. It will also prevent infection at the wound site.Calendula can also be used in herbal tincture in dilution on dressings after surgery or to heal any wounds.
Raphanus 30c: a good remedy for trapped wind after surgery which can be quite common.
Also, consider Carbo veg 30c if there is lots of distension and offensive wind.
Lycopodium 200 twice per day is very helpful in reducing gas and the pain associated with it.
Use Colocynthis 200c+ Nux vom 30 if there are cramps and pain.
Ledum 200 is the main remedy for any problems or pain after puncture wounds. For instance- after a biopsy
- insertion of a cannula
- after inserting an IV catheter
- intravenous drip or infusion
- after a blood test
Hypericum 200 is very useful for
- pain following lumbar punctures or spinal taps.
- Hypericum is indicated in any procedure that involves an area rich in sensitive nerves.
Post surgical adhesions most frequently develop after abdominal surgery.
Staphysagria 200 every other day can be helpful to clean the adhesions
Thiosinaminum in 6x is an excellent remedy for scar tissue that has become contracted and thickened. This remedy has the power to dissolve thick scar tissue after surgical operations but it should be used twice per day for several months.
Graphites 200 one dose every 3rd day for scars that are painful.
Constipation is a very common problem after surgery.
Lack of physical activity and medications such as opioid analgesia and other medications are usually the main cause.
Nux vomica 30c twice per day is an excellent first remedy to start with. It acts as a liver cleanser and helps to regulate peristalsis.
Alumina 200c if there is no desire for stool at all, use twice per day. Inactivity of the rectum and bowels.
Opium 30 twice per day. This is another remedy often indicated after the use of opioid analgesia that creates paralysis of the intestines.
If you need to have surgery we hope your surgical procedure goes really well, and that the operation gives you satisfactory results and improves your quality of life. We also hope these remedies will give you the best possible healing in the most natural, efficient and safest way.
Not only are they safe and effective, these natural remedies don't cause drug interactions, so they can be used alone or in combination with other treatments or medications. With no side effects, improved healing and quicker recovery you can get back to your life sooner.
Nux Vomica is designed to support your body when dealing with vomiting and nausea.Carbo Veg may help your body deal with bloating and gas.
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