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 Kidney inflammation natural remedy

BM193 may help your body deal with foamy urine, swelling in any area of the body, elevated blood pressure, fever, rash, and generalized aches.


The kidneys are one of the most important organs in the human body. Each human has two bean-shaped kidneys, and each one is approximately the size of a fist. These organs are located below the rib cage, and each kidney is on either side of the spine. The kidneys serve many important functions such as filtering blood, getting rid of waste, regulating blood pressure, releasing necessary hormones, creating and regulating red blood cells, creating vitamins, regulating nutrients, etc. As you can see, these functions are required for the human body's proper function, and it is necessary to keep them in balance.

Kidneys in human body.

How Do They Work?

The kidneys work in a very similar fashion as filters. Basically, blood goes into the kidneys from the heart through the renal artery and then the kidneys clean this blood. The kidneys contain millions of small blood filters that clean the blood when it flows through them. All of the waste material is then passed onto the bladder, where it is stored as urine. Once the bladder is full, then you'll feel the urge to urinate, and the urine which contains the waste materials will pass through your urethra. The clean blood will then be transported back into your bloodstream via various veins.

Highly Concentrated Liver Detoxification Remedy

Liver Detox & Gallbladder Support provides natural support for liver and gallbaldder function. It may help address toxins from food and medicine, fatty liver and gallbladder inflammation.


Kidneys have an essential job, and about 200 quarts of blood are filtered every 24 hours. Typically speaking, about 198 quarts of cleaned blood are returned to the body, and the 2 quarts that contain waste materials are eliminated from the body via urination.

Keeping Your Kidneys Healthy, you must keep your kidneys as healthy as possible to enjoy good health. They are necessary to expel waste from your body and create the essential hormones that your body needs to function optimally. With that said, we will now look at some of the best ways that you can keep your kidneys as healthy as possible.

Exercise Regularly

Two friends working out together.

Regular exercise is not only crucial for looking slim and fit. It is essential to help prevent kidney damage by lowering your blood pressure and improving your heart health. Exercising regularly also helps to prevent chronic kidney disease. So, it would be best if you strived to exercise regularly and do any exercise that you enjoy. This can include running, skipping rope, jogging, weight lifting, dancing, cycling, etc. It would be best if you choose activities that you enjoy to exercise at least 4 to 5 days per week consistently.

Long term kidney support

BM64 may help with long-term kidney issues, including frequent urination, foamy or bloody urine, headache, hypertension, increased fatigue, itching, lower back pain, nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, need to urinate at night, blood in the vomiting or the stools, muscle twitching, and cramps.


Eat Healthy & Watch Your Weight

Unfortunately, being overweight or obese can cause a wide range of health issues, damaging your kidneys. Some of these health issues include heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, and more. So, make sure to maintain a healthy weight through a healthy diet and regular exercise. Additionally, your diet is important to manage your weight, but you should avoid certain foods that actually damage your kidneys. Some of the foods which can damage your kidneys include soda, canned foods, processed meats, chips etc. So, it is best to eat fresh foods such as vegetables, fruits, fish etc. Also, make sure to reduce your consumption of foods that are high in sodium.

Fit & Healthy - Natural Weight Loss Program

Natural Weight Loss Program is recommended to naturally control hunger and burn fat. It may help you achieve your optimal weight and health.


Drink Lots Of Water

Drinking a lot of water on a daily basis is good for your kidneys. So, make sure that you strive to drink your 8 glasses of water every day! Good hydration is so important because the water helps to flush out the toxins, sodium, and other waste from your kidneys. Also, it helps a great deal in preventing chronic kidney disease.

Woman drinking a cup of water.

Many factors impact how much water you should be drinking, such as your age, gender, weight, weather conditions in the area that you live, etc. It is best to aim for a minimum of 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day.

Avoid Smoking

Smoking is very harmful to your health, and it damages your blood vessels, which slows down blood flow. Additionally, it increases your risk of kidney cancer. So, make sure to avoid smoking or do your best to quit the habit.

Quit smoking natural remedy

BM55 may help with withdrawal, including tobacco cravings, burning in the stomach, bad breath, sleep disturbance, nightmares, and chilliness.


Monitor Usage of OTC Pills

Unfortunately, many OTC pills such as naproxen and ibuprofen can cause kidney damage, mainly if you use them daily for various pains, headaches, etc. So, it would help if you talked to your doctor about alternatives to help manage pain.

Control Blood Sugar

If you have diabetes or high blood sugar, then you are at a much higher risk of developing kidney damage. This happens because of the high levels of sugar in your blood; your kidneys need to work a lot harder to filter and clean your blood. After many years of this, your kidneys may become damaged, which can potentially threaten your life. So, make sure to control your blood sugar so that you can prevent this from happening.

Support metabolic functions

BM10 may help your body deal with glycosuria, blood sugar, thirst, and negative feelings.


When Your Kidneys Aren't Working Right

There are any signs and symptoms that indicate your kidneys aren't working as they should. Some of these are:

* Weakness, fatigue and even headaches
* Problems sleeping
* Bad breath as well as a metallic taste in your mouth
* Swelling in the feet, arms, ankles* Puffy eyes
* Problems with your urine: blood in urine, foamy urine or a need to urinate more often
* High blood pressure
* Shortness of breath, even with little activity
* Back pain
* Itchy and dry skin
* Poor appetite

Kidney Infection Plus UTI

Another medical condition that may occur is kidney infections. It is a particular type of UTI that starts in your bladder or urethra and then goes to your kidneys. If you get a kidney infection, you must get immediate medical attention because it can cause permanent kidney damage if left untreated. It can even cause bacteria to get into your blood, which will likely become life-threatening.

Bladder support and kidney cleanse natural remedy

Bladder Support & Kidney Cleanse supports urinary tract health. It may help maintain healthy kidney function. Useful for kidney stones, urinary tract infections, cystitis, cystopyelitis, hydronephrosis, and colic.


Some of the symptoms of a kidney infection include pain in the back, flank, side, chills and fever, blood or pus in the urine, frequent urination, stomach pain, burning during urination or pain, and urine terrible odor or is cloudy, etc.

Certain factors increase your risk of developing a kidney infection. The most common risk factors include being female, having a weak immune system, urinary catheter usage, urinary tract blockages, nerve damage around the bladder, pregnancy, etc. The reason why women are at a higher risk of getting kidney infections is that women have shorter urethras in comparison to men. It means that bacteria can more easily enter the body and into the bladder. Also, the urethra is quite close to the anus, making the possible transference of bacteria easier.

As mentioned previously, treating a kidney infection is very important because if it is left untreated, it can cause blood poisoning, kidney scarring, which can cause chronic kidney disease or even kidney failure. However, you can reduce your risk by avoiding the use of douches or feminine sprays in your genital region, drinking lots of water, urinating after intercourse, and wiping front to back after bowel movements so that no bacteria gets into the urethra.

Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are essentially stones or mineral deposits that develop in the kidneys. These stones develop when your urine is very concentrated, and the minerals in your urine stick together to form stones. Unfortunately, kidney stones are excruciating, especially when you pass them. When it comes to treating them, the treatment is dependent on your particular situation. If the stones are relatively small, then all you may need to do is drink a lot of water and take some medications to pass them naturally. However, if the stones are stuck in your urinary tract or there are other complications, you may need to undergo surgery.

Kidney stones natural remedy

BM67 provides natural support for kidney stones and related issues, including various degrees of urinary obstruction, mild to severe pain, distention of the renal capsule, intense nausea with or without vomiting, and urinary retention.


There are many reasons why you may develop kidney stones, such as a poor diet, poor hydration, excess weight, usage of certain supplements or medications, etc. Some of the symptoms that indicate you may have kidney stones include pain or burning during urination, pain in your stomach that goes towards your groin, sharp pain along your sides or ribs, etc. You may also experience bad-smelling urine, pink or brown, the need to urinate very often and usually in small quantities.

Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney disease is when your kidneys start to gradually lose their cleaning fluid functionality and waste from your blood. It is also known as kidney failure. As this condition becomes worse, waste and fluid will build up in your body. Unfortunately, in many cases, symptoms of this condition are not apparent until it becomes advanced. 

High cholesterol supplement

BM135 is best used for issues related to high cholesterol, including deposits of excess fatty substance that collect in the skin or eyelid tissues and nodules in tendons, hands, or feet.


Some of the symptoms include itching, high blood pressure, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, sleep issues, chest pain, swelling of the feet and ankles, fatigue, weakness, changes in urination frequency, muscle cramps, etc. Unfortunately, these symptoms can be caused by other medical issues, so if you are at risk of developing kidney disease, you should regularly monitor your kidney health and function.

The causes of chronic kidney disease include high blood pressure, diabetes, polycystic kidney disease, kidney infections that recur, Glomerulonephritis, and Vesicoureteral reflux. If you want to reduce your risk of developing this disease, you should avoid smoking, maintain a healthy weight and avoid taking too many pain killers.

Natural Alternatives for Kidney Health

As you can see, taking care of your kidneys should be a high priority. There are many natural alternatives that you can use to keep your kidneys in great health and free of any of the issues listed above.

Kidney Cleansing Teas

Cups of tea with cinnamon and lemon

1. Stinging Nettle is a plant that has been widely used to cleanse the kidneys is the stinging nettle. This plant's leaves contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that help protect your body from oxidative stress.

2. Sambong is another plant that can be used to help prevent kidney stones from forming. This plant is typically found in tropical climates in countries such as India and the Philippines.

3. Hydrangea, which contains lots of antioxidants, can protect your kidneys against various forms of damage.


Next, let's look at natural supplements that you can take that will support good kidney function.

1. Omega 3s - Most modern diets are low in Omega 3s while being high in Omega 6 fatty acids. Unfortunately, a high concentration of Omega 6 in your body can lead to kidney stones. However, by taking Omega 3 supplements, they can decrease the negative impact of Omega 6s in your body and prevent damage.

2. Vitamin B6 - Too much oxalate in your body can result in the formation of kidney stones. However, if you take vitamin B6, this supplement can protect your body against these stones by metabolizing glyoxylate into glycine as opposed to oxalate.

3. Potassium Citrate - Potassium citrate can help by balancing the pH of your urine and electrolytes. This will naturally reduce your risk of developing kidney stones.

4. Moringa - these supplements are very high in antioxidants, which help to reduce kidney toxicity. It also helps to prevent the formation of kidney stones and even bladder stones.

5. Resveratrol has many cell-protective characteristics and is also anti-inflammatory. It is great for people who have diabetic kidney disease since it improves their overall kidney function.

6. Probiotics - The use of probiotics for kidney health is now emerging. Probiotics can help persons with impaired kidneys because they contain microorganisms that can actually use the excess built-up waste such as uric acid, urea, etc., which are then excreted via bowel movements.

Herbal & Homeopathic Remedies

Many homeopathic remedies have been used for hundreds of years to treat various kidney conditions. Some of the most popular ones include Arsenicum Album for chronic kidney disease, Apis Mellifica for kidney infections, Belladonna for kidney-related pain, Cantharis for inflammation, Digitalis, Convallaria, etc.

Diet For Kidney Health

In addition to the natural treatments above, you can also improve your kidney health by paying attention to your diet. Firstly, good hydration needs to be a priority so that your kidneys can effectively get rid of waste. Next, you need to eat foods that are good for kidney health. Some of these include grapes, cranberries, berries, seaweed, foods rich in calcium, peanuts, orange juice, lemon juice, apples, onions, cauliflower, garlic, etc.



To wrap things up, in order to maintain good kidney health, it is essential to make positive lifestyle changes so that your kidneys continue to function well throughout your life. If you have any concerns about your kidney health, be sure to talk to your local health care provider so that they can access your case. 

Cystitis natural remedyBedwetting solution natural remedyMaximum kidney support formula

BM184 is best used for cystitis, urinary incontinence, burning of the urethra, excess uric acid, uneasiness in the bladder, polyuria, and a great quantity of colorless urine.
BM151 may help your body to deal with bedwetting, delayed maturation of the bladder function, small bladder capacity, stress, emotional problems, constipation, or urinary tract infection.
BM61 provides effective natural therapy with maximum kidney support.


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