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Holistic Parenting: Enhance Your Children’s Well-being

Holistic Parenting: Enhance Your Children's Well-being Naturally

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Remember the feeling when you saw the positive sign on the pregnancy test? Along with unmeasurable happiness, you probably felt scared…

“Will I be a good parent? Will my child be happy? How can I do the best I can?”

All of these feelings and questions are normal. But we want to make it easier for you. We want to help you be the best parent you can be, and we will show you how to do it naturally!

More and more parents have been trying the holistic approach to raising their children in recent years.

Couple with two children going to the beach.

What is Holistic Parenting?

Holistic parenting is an approach to raising children emphasizing the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. It involves a holistic view of a child's development and well-being, considering factors such as nutrition, sleep, emotional health, physical activity, and social relationships.

Holistic parenting encourages parents to build a solid and supportive relationship with their children and be mindful of their behaviors and attitudes and how they impact their child's development. It also emphasizes the importance of creating a healthy and nurturing home environment focusing on natural and sustainable living.

Some of the fundamental principles of holistic parenting include the following:

  • Supporting natural and instinctive child-rearing practices
  • Providing a healthy, natural diet
  • Encouraging physical activity and outdoor play
  • Limiting exposure to electronic media and screen time
  • Practicing mindfulness and meditation
  • Fostering a sense of community and social connectedness

Ultimately, the goal of holistic parenting is to support the general development of your child - physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually - in a sustainable way, nurturing and supportive of their unique needs and abilities.

Remember that children learn best by doing trial and error. Do not "run to the rescue" too quickly. Give them chores and let them be bored. Boredom will make them use their imagination and find ways to entertain themselves.

Holistic parenting methods

There are several methods that parents use when practicing holistic parenting. Here are a few examples:

  1. Breastfeeding and babywearing: Breastfeeding is a natural and nourishing way to give your baby the nutrients and immunity they need to grow and develop. Babywearing, or carrying your baby in a sling or carrier, promotes bonding and allows you to keep your baby close during daily activities.
  2. Mindful parenting: involves being fully present and attentive to your child without judgment or distraction. It helps build a strong and positive relationship with your child and better understand and respond to their needs.
  3. Natural and sustainable living: Holistic parenting focuses on natural and sustainable living. This can include using natural and non-toxic products in your home, eating organic and locally sourced food, reducing waste and consumption, and practicing environmentally friendly habits.
  4. Emotional intelligence: Holistic parenting emphasizes the importance of emotional intelligence and fostering a solid emotional bond between parent and child. This can involve validating your child's feelings, practicing active listening, and encouraging healthy emotional expression.
  5. Holistic health: Holistic parenting also involves promoting your child's overall health and well-being through natural methods such as herbal remedies, massage therapy, and other alternative therapies.
  6. Limiting screen time: Holistic parenting recognizes the potential negative impact of excessive screen time on a child's development and well-being. As such, limiting screen time and encouraging outdoor play, imaginative play, and other forms of hands-on learning and exploration are recommended.

These are just a few examples of methods that can be used in holistic parenting. Ultimately, the key is to approach parenting in a way that considers the whole child and promotes their overall well-being and development.

Mother with her daughter outdoors laughing.

How Can You Provide Holistic Child Development?

Holistic child development is a comprehensive approach to supporting your child's growth and development in all areas of their life, including physical, emotional, social, cognitive, and spiritual aspects. It recognizes that your child's development is interconnected and that progress in one area can positively or negatively impact others.

Here are some ways to promote holistic child development:

1. Nutrition

A healthy and balanced diet is vital for a child's physical development and overall health. Providing a variety of nutrient-dense foods can support their growth and development. Here are some holistic nutrition tips:

  • Offer a variety of whole foods: Provide your child with a variety of whole, nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Encourage your child to try new foods and flavors.
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  • Limit processed foods: Limit your child's intake of processed foods, which can be high in salt, sugar, and unhealthy fats. Instead, opt for whole, fresh foods as much as possible.
  • Encourage family meals: Eating meals together as a family can help promote healthy eating habits and social and emotional development. Make mealtime an enjoyable experience for your child.
  • Consider your child's individual needs: Every child is different, so it's essential to consider your child's individual needs when planning their meals. Consider any food allergies or sensitivities, their age, activity level, and growth stage.
  • Get your child involved: Involve your child in meal planning and preparation, which can help encourage healthy eating habits and foster independence and self-esteem.
  • Provide healthy snacks: Offer your child healthy snack options such as fresh fruit, vegetables, yogurt, and whole-grain crackers. Avoid giving your child sugary snacks or drinks, which can contribute to obesity and other health problems.
Two boys sitting on straw eating apples
  • Keep them hydrated: Ensure your child stays hydrated by providing plenty of water throughout the day. Avoid sugary drinks, which lead to tooth decay and other health problems.
2. Physical Activity

Regular exercise and physical activity help support your child's physical development, improve their motor skills, and promote good health. You can try the following:

  • Make physical activity fun: Encourage your child to find activities they enjoy, such as dancing, sports, or outdoor activities. Make it fun by playing games or setting challenges.
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  • Be a role model: Children learn by example, so make sure you are leading an active lifestyle too. Take your child on family walks or bike rides, and participate in physical activities together.
  • Encourage active play: Encourage your child to engage in active play, such as running, jumping, and climbing. You can provide them with opportunities to play outside and explore their environment.
  • Limit screen time: Limit your child's time watching TV or playing video games, which can be passive activities. Encourage them to engage in more active pursuits.
Father riding a bike with his son.
  • Support their interests: Support your child's interests and hobbies, whether dance, gymnastics, or martial arts. Help them find classes or clubs that align with their interests.
  • Set goals: Help your child set realistic physical activity goals, such as running a certain distance or completing several push-ups. Celebrate their achievements and progress.
  • Be inclusive: Include all children in physical activity, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. Adapt activities to accommodate their individual needs.
3. Emotional Well-being

Emotional health is crucial to your child's overall development. Encouraging positive emotional expression, providing emotional support, and teaching coping strategies can help build a strong foundation for emotional health. Here are some tips on how to do that:

  • Create a safe and supportive environment: Children need to feel safe and supported in their environment to develop emotionally. Provide a nurturing and supportive home environment that promotes emotional safety and security.
  • Validate their feelings: It is essential to listen to your child and validate their feelings. Encourage them to express their emotions and help them identify and name their feelings.
  • Encourage emotional regulation: Teach your child strategies to manage their emotions, such as deep breathing, mindfulness, or taking a break when feeling overwhelmed.
  • Model healthy emotional expression: Children learn emotional expression from their caregivers—model healthy emotional expression by expressing your emotions healthily and positively.
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  • Build positive relationships: Positive relationships with family members, friends, and peers can help children develop social and emotional skills. Encourage your child to form positive relationships and support their social connections.
  • Encourage play and creativity: Play and creativity can help children express their emotions and develop emotional regulation skills. Encourage your child to engage in imaginative play or creative activities.
  • Encourage physical activity: Physical activity has been linked to positive emotional health. Encourage your child to engage in regular physical activity, such as sports or outdoor play.
  • Provide structure and routine: A consistent routine can help children feel safe and secure, promoting emotional well-being.
  • Practice positive discipline: Use positive discipline strategies that promote learning and growth rather than punishment or shame. Encourage your child to take responsibility for their actions and make amends when necessary.
4. Social Skills

Socialization is vital for your child's development, as it helps them learn how to interact with others and form meaningful relationships. Providing opportunities for socialization can help foster social skills and emotional intelligence. Check these tips on how to support your child's holistic socialization:

  • Foster a sense of community: Encourage your child to participate in activities that promote a sense of community, such as volunteering, community service, or local events. This can help them develop a sense of social responsibility and empathy.
  • Encourage open communication: Create an open and safe environment where your child feels comfortable communicating their feelings and needs. This can help them develop healthy relationships and improve their communication skills.
  • Teach conflict resolution skills: Teach your child how to resolve conflicts healthily and constructively. This can help them develop problem-solving skills and build positive relationships.
  • Promote self-awareness: Encourage your child to be self-aware and reflect on their thoughts and feelings. This can help them better understand themselves and improve their social interactions.
Two children jumping on a trampoline.
  • Foster creativity and imagination: Creativity and imagination can help children develop their social skills by encouraging them to engage in imaginative play and express themselves in new ways.
  • Teach mindfulness and emotional regulation: Mindfulness and emotional regulation can help children manage their emotions and develop empathy for others. Encourage your child to practice mindfulness techniques such as deep breathing or visualization.
  • Promote healthy relationships: Encourage your child to develop healthy relationships with family members, friends, and peers. Help them identify positive social connections and teach them how to maintain healthy boundaries.
  • Practice positive discipline: Use positive discipline strategies to promote learning and growth rather than punishment or shame. Encourage your child to take responsibility for their actions and make amends when necessary.
5. Cognitive development

It refers to your child's ability to learn, reason, and solve problems. Activities that promote cognitive development include reading, puzzles, and educational games. You can improve cognitive development in children by:

  • Reading to your child: Reading to your child can help improve their language skills and develop their cognitive abilities. Choose books that are age-appropriate and engage with your child's interests.
  • Engage in conversation: Engage in conversation with your child, ask them open-ended questions, and encourage them to express their thoughts and feelings. It can help develop their communication skills and cognitive abilities.
  • Provide play opportunities: Play is essential to children's cognitive development. Providing imaginative, social, and physical play opportunities can help improve their cognitive abilities, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity.
Family playing boardgames at home.
  • Encourage hands-on learning: Hands-on learning can help improve cognitive development by providing opportunities for children to explore, discover, and learn through hands-on activities and experiences.
  • Provide age-appropriate activities: Providing age-appropriate activities that match your child's cognitive abilities can help support their cognitive development. Choose activities that are engaging and challenging to your child's abilities.
  • Foster a positive learning environment: A positive environment can help improve cognitive development. Create a safe, supportive environment that encourages learning and exploration and reinforces your child's efforts.
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Every child develops at their own pace, and various factors, including genetics, environment, and experiences, influence their cognitive development. You may provide a supportive environment promoting learning, growth, and development as a parent or caregiver.

6. Spiritual development

It involves exploring and nurturing your child's sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around them. Encouraging your child's natural curiosity, allowing time for exploration and reflection, and exposing them to different cultures and beliefs can support their spiritual development. You can try the following:

  • Encourage exploration: Children's spiritual development involves exploring and understanding their beliefs and values. Encourage your child to ask questions, share their thoughts and feelings, and explore different ideas and perspectives.
  • Practice gratitude: Encourage your child to express gratitude for the things they have, the people in their lives, and their experiences. It can help cultivate a sense of appreciation and connection to something larger than themselves.
Wooden board with cup of coffee, macarons and a note saying "enjoy the little things".
  • Create rituals and traditions: Rituals and traditions can help develop a sense of connection and meaning in your children. Create family traditions, celebrate important events, and engage in meaningful activities aligned with your family's beliefs and values.
  • Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness can help children develop awareness and connection to the present moment. Encourage your child to engage in mindfulness practices, such as meditation, deep breathing, and visualization.
  • Engage in service: Service can help children develop a sense of compassion, empathy, and connection to others. Encourage your child to engage in acts of service, such as volunteering, donating to charity, or helping a neighbor in need.
  • Foster a sense of wonder: Encourage your child to explore and appreciate the beauty and wonder of the world around them. Engage in activities that promote exploration, creativity, and imagination.
  • Provide opportunities for reflection: Reflection can help children develop a sense of self-awareness and understanding. Encourage your child to reflect on their thoughts, feelings, and experiences through journaling, art, or other creative activities.


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BIO24 may provide energy and help you cope with stress. Supports your body's ability to manage, absorb, and use nutrients while boosting your physical health and immune system. It is a useful remedy to keep you alert, fresh, and stress-free all day.


The bottom line

If you follow a holistic approach to parenting, you can build a strong, supportive, positive relationship with your child.

Holistic parenting involves using positive communication and discipline techniques to encourage good behavior, build self-esteem, and promote healthy development. Positive parenting skills include positive communication, setting boundaries, positive reinforcement, active listening, empathy, etc.

Remember that after your children are born, you’re responsible for helping them become the best versions of themselves. A warm, loving family and supportive parents can give a child the tools and knowledge necessary for a happy life.

And last but not least: do not forget to laugh, smile, dance, hug, and kiss your children. It can do wonders.


Sources: Positive Psychology, Healthy Child, Medicine Net, Child Development Institute, Children's corner learning center,, Bestmade Natural Products 

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